Delusions of God, as proposed by Richard Dawkins. And many other atheists, anti-theists. Are what called by them, described by them, the delusions by us of the true meaning of god. We are deluded by the existence of god. We are played by this stance. We are monopolied by religions, on the basis of worshipping God. As stated by them, religions make people blind. Make us as though we are sheeps, following the shepherd. Some of them questioned the rationality of following ancient holy books as guidance in our life.
Are we in this kind of delusion? It is up to us to seek for the truth.
Yet what I can say, most of us are decepted. Decepted by the true meaning of lifes. Our goals are decepted. Are based on what others think as good, as cool. We are controlled. As though as computerized in a most next to perfect manner, that is; without us realizing a bit of the situation.
I've read. I've seen. I've experienced. Now I'm sharing. Think again, what paths are we choosing? Are going to? Which direction? What conclusion can be made from our daily choices?
We are going far away than the real purpose of life. The real meaning of our existence on earth. Ask many of us, now and then. Now, who cares anymore about God? Who believes in God truly? Do you? Situations changed. Because of many reasons, seek for the reasons, you'll find them. Materialism is power nowadays. Objects, pleasures are ultimate goals. When Allah banished Iblis from the heaven for his arrogance, remember one promise the Iblis made. That is to drag those sons of Adams who are not ready with knowledge with him into hells. One of the way, is through materialism, and this is what we are sufering now. Being materialistics. Through this, many purposeful-individuals manage to take advantages of the system. Influencing us. Hypnotizing us saying, fashion is good. Rush to work, rush for payment. Use up the money. Dressed your self. Your body. Non even a single time mentioned, your soul. This sickness is already in us. In our system. In our daily routine. And this is the work of the devils. Remember, there will come a time when the earth will be ruled by the dark Messiah, as stated in the Quran. This is the preparation of it. For us to be weak in terms of religions and beliefs.
And remember, those who believes in nothing will fall for anything.
*Ya Allah, give me your guidance and to my beloved family and friends too.